Aging Greatfully With Holley Kelley

"Fly High, Age GreatFULLy--and it's Really JUST 2 Choices - with Rico Racosky!



Rico Racosky’s early life was a very active combination of his love of all things aeronautic and his passion for art. So it might not come as a surprise that both of these “visual careers” are still playing out in his life in a major way--in his dual careers as a former fighter-pilot-now-airline-pilot and as an author/publisher of multiple graphically-original books, that quickly and clearly explain life through visuals rather than mere words.​Just 2 Choices was “an accidental discovery.” While working with primarily 4th and 5th graders for nearly 20 years on his days off from flying, Rico found himself frequently saying the phrase that “...there are Just 2 Choices of action. One choice will take you closer to your dreams and goals... the other choice will take you farther away. Which choice of action will you take?” After saying “Just 2 Choices” over and over for all those years to the children, Rico thought the phrase would have great applicability to working with grown-ups. So he literally “wrote the book