Dayspring Fellowship Podcasts

Harnessing the Power of Words | Part 5 | Final Words | Chris Voigt



Final Words Harnessing the Power of Words September 4, 2022 If the search engine results on ‘Famous Last Words’ are any indication, there is an enormous fascination with the final utterances of those who have died. So, what’s the big deal with last words? We spend all day, every day, speaking, thinking, and listening to words. From meaningless chatter, observations about the weather, and bad jokes, to friendly banter, productive dialog, and words of encouragement, we are constantly communicating, in one way or another. Why would last words be so significant?   What would you say if you had the luxury of knowing the next words you speak would be your last? And maybe that’s it... it would be a luxury, because, often, there’s no way to know.   In 1776, Revolutionary War spy Nathan Hale was hanged by the British after he was captured during a failed espionage mission in Long Island. He had a pretty good idea that his end was coming. His famous last words were, “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for m