Amazing Fba

Amazon Seller Insurance Requirements with Ashlin Hadden



Let's face it. Insurance isn't something that most of us get excited about. When you sell on Amazon, it's not usually your top of mind worry either. But maybe it should be. Getting your account suspended because you don’t meet Amazon seller insurance requirements is no joke.  If you get it wrong, it can be a bigger issue than you might realise. With recent changes like the one on the .com platform around  deductibles,  or Issues with recalls, we need to be more aware than most of us are about the details of Amazon selling insurance.  Luckily today's guest, Ashlin Hadden, is perfectly placed to   guide us through these rapids. With a professional advisor and proper insurance in place, you’re doing what all professional business owners should: protecting your business. What You’ll Learn The requirements for selling on the .COM platform. Do other companies outside US, sue as much as US? Understanding the price of having a premium product A list items to stay away from unless ROI is great Resources