Sob Presents: Campus Culture

Everything Summer Related/Season Finale Wrap-Up on Campus Culture S02E14



On the season finale of Campus Culture, Katelyn and Holly bring in Executive Producer Ben Goodman and Audio Tech Leigh to do rapid-fire roundtable questions about summer: what is their favourite thing to do in the summer? What kind of vacations do their families take? What’s their dream summer? What are some of their favourite things to do in Calgary over the summer? In addition to that, Katelyn and Holly talk about their own plans for this summer, and bringing it back to campus, what is MRU like during the summer? What is open? What services are available? What events are going on around campus? The summer theme also extends to Holly’s Adulting 101 segment, as she talks about Spring Cleaning and the myth of the summer beach body. It’s a true summer extravaganza on the final Campus Culture of the season. Thank you so much to everyone who has tuned into the show this year!! Hosts: Holly Roberts, Katelyn White Audio Tech: Leigh Beacom Executive Producer: Ben Goodman