Video Games 2 The Max

Game Gear Micro, PS5 Event Delayed, Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition - Video Games 2 the MAX # 231



On this episode of Video Games 2 the MAX hosts Sean Garmer and Marc Morrison discuss the Black Lives Matter protests, their support of them, and if some actual change will come as a result. The protests also brought along delays for the PlayStation 5 and Madden 21 events as well. Will they cause other events to be delayed in the weeks to come too? In that same discussion, they also touch on some games that could be shown off at the PS5 event, how the event could shape what Microsoft does in their July event, and how EA extending their exclusivity deal with the NFL is going to bring about competition in another genre. SEGA also announced the Game Gear Micro with a set of four colors and each one including four exclusive games. The guys wonder if this actually comes out in other places besides Japan and have a live reaction to the game reveals as well. Also, Kingdom Hearts could get a Disney + Show, Sonic Movie is getting a sequel, Cate Blanchett cast in Borderlands movie. Plus, Sean gives his early thoughts