Video Games 2 The Max

Video Games 2 the MAX #177: Dragon Ball FighterZ, Xbox Game Pass Addition, Nintendo Labo Thoughts



On this episode of Video Games 2 the MAX, Sean Garmer and Marc Morrison have lots to discuss after taking an unintended week off. Including Marc getting a Nintendo Switch for his birthday.Sean discusses his time with Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Hacker's Memory. While Marc talks Dragon Ball FighterZ, Monster Hunter World, Iconoclasts, and more. Plus, both guys give their thoughts on Metal Gear Survive after playing the beta. After that, they get into the news and there's a lot of it. Nintendo announced Nintendo Labo and Sean and Marc are on opposite ends about the cardboard filled game. Microsoft also announced changes to Gamepass. Putting all first party games on the service Day 1. Does this have the potential to backfire on Microsoft? Or is it so consumer friendly everyone will flock to it? There's also God of War's release date. Sony getting into the act of Amiibo like figures. A new steam compeititor in the works. Disney being sued by Redbox over Copyright issues. And could John Cena really play Duke Nukem