Video Games 2 The Max

Video Games 2 the MAX #176: The Tale of Two Betas, Super Meat Boy Switch, Quantic Dream Trouble



On this episode of Video Games 2 the MAX, Sean Garmer and Marc Morrison talk about quite a lot, as video games kick full swing into 2018. First, they begin by discussing the two open betas held on the same weekend. DISSIDIA: Final Fantasy NT and Dragon Ball Z FighterZ. They discuss why the DBZ one had so many problems, but perhaps winds up being the better of the two games. While DISSIDIA had a lot to show, but may be too obtuse for its own good. Not to mention, Marc schools Sean on why DBZ is better than Final Fantasy. Plus, Sean also talks about Super Meat Boy on Nintendo Switch. There's also quite a bit of news. Quantic Dream has come under fire from former employees about a toxic work environment. How perhaps the denials were not handled very well, and is this a case of conduct overblown? Or is there something more sinster going on? In addition, Gravity Rush 2 fans save the online servers. D.I.C.E awards announcements and why exactly there's some peculiar choices for some of the categories. Thoughts on