Viral Podcasting

Chris Krimitsos--The Messengers 2018 - Podcasting Movie #23



During Podfest Chris Krimitsos had an inspiration. Why not do a movie about Podcasters and Podcasting. He traveled throughout the US and even went to Guatemala to capture the essence of podcasting. In a way all podcasters are messengers and that's how they came up with the name. It's all about spreading ideas and getting a message out. Financing the movie was a challenge. Within two weeks Chris had run out of money. It's hard to appreciate how quickly costs run up when making a movie. Chris self-financed and used crowd source funding. Chris interviewed over 100 people and 40 wound up being featured in the film. At the end of the day all podcasters want to leave people better off than they found them. Financially successful podcasters either got off to an early start or they're in a super-niche. But other paths to monetization are emerging. It's a perfect competitive marketplace, easy entry and exit.