School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#193 How to STOP CARING What Other People Think About You



All of us have been ‘conditioned’ by society when it comes to things such as HOW to behave and WHAT to care about. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. It fact, social conditioning can be very positive. Caring what other people think or how others view us helps us to be law-abiding citizens — which keeps order and civility in communities and nations. But sometimes, social conditioning can cause us to believe and behave in ways that our detrimental to our own well-being. Social conditioning can limit our own growth and development.  However, it takes a lot of wisdom and experience to discern what aspects of social conditioning we should disregard and which we should keep. We have to learn how to effectively ‘break the rules’ of society in a way that creates something even better. This is where greatness happens. But in order for greatness to emerge there has to be times when you literally do NOT give a ‘crap’ what other people think or say about you. Caring TOO MUCH holds you back. Listen to this episode n