Illinois Valley Alternative Podcast

Episode 37 - Ravishing Rick (not Ric)



The Illinois Valley Alternative Podcast, Episode 37 is alive and taking over the web. Look out. After another summer recording slump, John and Clayton bounce back with one of the longest shows ever (sorry about that). So many things this week, but the most important of all is this show includes both a guest and some local Illinois Valley music. We send a big thanks to Ric Soens of The Ric Soens Band who allowed us to play one of his songs on our show. Check it out around the 15 minute mark. For more on Ric’s music, check out his stuff on iTunes, Spotify, or head over to his Reverbnation page (link). (he is also on Amazon and YouTube) (15:00) Before we played some local music, the show hit up a couple quick local events including a talk on the summer heat wave, some 4th of July fireworks talk, and the IV Flyers event.  (00:00 – 15:00) After that, for only the third time ever, we had a guest! This week, Nick (@revlo1983) from the Illinois Valley Gaming Society (@IVGamingSociety) joined us in the booth to talk a