Dr.crystal Coleman Business Beauty Empowerment Podcast




My Story : This podcast was birth from a position of healing in which I explain in my book "Mastering The steps To Become Whole; For The High Achieving Woman".    I was once stuck in life and business suffering from the silent killer of emotional bondage.  I was living in dysfunction and it had become a normal way of life. It was stealing my God-given dreams, joy,  goals, and assignment according to my purpose in Christ Jesus.   I sought the Lord, He heard my cry.    God healed my heart, increased my faith and gave me new visions, and wisdom to pursue Him even more, and to seek the help I need.   By mastering my steps to wholeness (reading and doing the word) I uncovered Christ's power within me was the missing link to my freedom in every area of my life.  I had not fully surrendered my will to were my purpose was taking me in God.  You can my book on Amazon. During that time God dealt with my heart and opened my eyes to understanding the p