Geek To Geek Podcast

S1E29 - The Final Fantasy Series Part 1 - “Bruce the Dinosaur Cake and Tiny Shoulder Pig”



The Final Fantasy Series, Part 1 In this episode: Our history with Final Fantasy! Beej actually started with FF1, but was so young that he didn’t understand much of what he was doing. He played IV and VI (II and III to you 90s-kid Americans out there) from the video store over and over and over and over again. Void was the opposite side of the Final Fantasy-loving 90s kid, and he started the series with FFVII which brought him into the broad, magical world of jRPGs, summon magic, and random encounters. He, though, went hardcore and did a full mainline Final Fantasy playthrough--going from FF1 to FFXIV in order. Speaking of, we go through the entire Final Fantasy series, giving you listeners a survey of the highpoints regarding each one. FFI - pick a party of classes and level them up FFII - the more you use a skill the more it levels up (skills level up individually) FFIII - first job system FFIV - first real narrative with jobs uniquely tied to characters for the first time FFV - first in-depth job syst