Geek To Geek Podcast

S1E13 - VR - “Oh My Goodness I’m a Rock Starrrr”



Virtual Reality (HTC Vive) In this episode: Void bought an HTC Vive! Don’t know what that is? Great! That’s why we’re doing this episode! We want to introduce you to virtual reality gaming. Since not everyone (Beej included) has had an opportunity to experience VR, live vicariously through Void while Beej incessantly questions him about the technology. Playing the Scully to Void’s Mulder, Beej plays (is) the skeptic and questions everything Void knows about VR. First off: is this a fad? What is the HTC Vive, anyway? Is it all inclusive, or is it a PC peripheral? Honestly, who is this technology for? What is the future of virtual reality? Or at least, where does it seem to be heading? Should naysayers/skeptics buy it now or wait? Void’s Must have games for HTC Vive Audioshield Hover Junkers Holopoint Tiltbrush Games to avoid Windlands inMind inCell Weekly Geekery Void - Pocket Card Jockey Beej - Star Trek Beyond’s New Trailer / Overwatch Animated Shorts Health Hack Drink some water! It’s su