Pixels & Ink

Pixels & Ink Podcast: Episode 406



It is a big week for leaks, with Diablo IV and GTA 6 videos appearing online. With this the CGMagzine crew dissect what these leaks mean, how the games are looking and what this means for development. This leads to a bigger discussion about embargoes, how some creators try and break agreements, and how there has been a major series of events that makes many people in the industry question how insider information really gets out to the public.  While there may be plenty of leaks, Twitch.TV is making waves this week with the new rules about gambling, and a mix-up in how it shares revenue on the platform. Moving away from a more favourable split, into a 50/50 model that has many bigger creators very upset.  To wrap things up for the week, the crew look at all the new peripherals that are coming out, and how they at times can cost more than the consoles or the games they are meant to work with. From $1000+ racing wheels, to high-end controllers, it is an interesting time to invest in gaming.