Santa Cruz Local

Ep 98 Ahead of Nov. 8 local election, Santa Cruz County residents share priorities 9.27.22



Santa Cruz Local wants you to decide what the local candidates talk about as they compete for your vote in the Nov. 8 election. This year, Santa Cruz Local’s team conducted nearly 300 interviews and collected 150 survey responses from Santa Cruz County residents. Here is what residents told us they want from local government, in order of frequency: - Affordable housing development - Help paying rent - Solutions to homelessness - Better wages and jobs - More bike and walk infrastructure In today’s episode, we’ll hear from residents about why they care about these issues. We’ll hear voices not normally heard by local government or local media. Read the transcript with links to our related stories. Read Santa Cruz Local’s Election Guide. Santa Cruz Local is supported by its members. Join us! Keep local journalism strong with a membership today. Make a one-time donation to Santa Cruz Local’s newsroom.