Buzz Beat




In the 44th episode of Buzz Beat, we recap the week in which the Charlotte Hornets took on Cleveland, Chicago, and Los Angeles. In the two losses, there were some common themes. Between the lack of defense, the team having to adjust with Dwight Howard, and over-reliance on Kemba, it wasn't surprising that Charlotte blew late leads in games against Chicago and Cleveland. The Hornets picked up a much-needed win against the Clippers in a Clifford-esque game.Spencer, Richie, and Brian also spend some time talking about what Zeller and Carter-Williams bring to this team. It's fitting that, on the 44th episode, that a discussion about Frank Kaminsky ensues.Listen to the Buzz Beat on iTunesListen to the Almighty Baller Network on iTunesIntro/Outro Music: Mike StudSports Channel 8: North Carolina’s #1 Sports News NetworkBuzz Beat Patreon : If you can afford to, we’re asking for your help to keep this podcast sustainable and produce more frequent content. Thank you for your support!Buzz Beat Apparel: Visit our Tee Pub