Liquid Church

Stand For Something



Your family, friends, coworkers and even the barista at Starbucks - they are all judging your behavior. If you consider yourself a Christian, then everything you do, every word and action, every social media post, the way you respond to people, your attitude, even the way you drive reflects upon Jesus. You tell people about your faith based on how you live. So, our goal as Christians is to be irresistible! You might be criticized for what you believe, but loved for your compassion and generosity. It’s time to do everything in our power to make people who feel far from God, feel welcome in the church. In this special message, guest speaker Dave Adamson, author of “MetaChurch: How to Use Digital Ministry to Reach People and Make Disciples,” explains how our friends and neighbors experience Jesus in YOU and everything you do. Watch this message from Liquid Church and discover how to let people know that Jesus is everything we say He is… by being everything He says we are! What Are We For? | Dave Adamson #Jesus #