We're Not Wizards, Tabletop And Board Games Podcast

Episode 289: Janice Turner | Sensor Ghosts | Assembly | Wren Games



Join myself and Janice Turner as we talk about food allergies and being away from home, labelling and packaging and how some restaurants get it right and some need a bit more encouragement.  Oh, and we forget to do an intro and we do talk about Sensor Ghosts and the expansion to their first game Assembly and why there isn't enough Stu in podcasts and things in general.   Make sure that you consider checking out their Kickstarter campaign below.  Links of Notes  https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/wrengames/sensor-ghosts-and-assembly-2-unique-sci-fi-coop-puzzle-games https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/276669/sensor-ghosts https://twitter.com/dravvin https://www.facebook.com/wrengames/ https://www.amazon.co.uk/Wren-Games-Assembly-Board-Game/dp/B07L14FPV2 https://twitter.com/wrengames http://wrengames.co.uk/main/ ================================================================== If you like what you have heard, please take some time to Rate, Subscribe and Review us on APPLE PODCASTS. https://itunes.apple.com/