We're Not Wizards, Tabletop And Board Games Podcast

Episode 248: Mike DiLisio | Solo Mode Games | Sporadically Board | EPISODE 250!!



ITS EPISODE 250.. Thank you for everyone who supported us so far.  Mike DiLisio is here from Solo Mode Games and Sporadically Board joins us in FULL SONG to talk about things including solo modes in games, creating your own content, and asking for review copies of games.  He's the best. Make sure you check out his videos through the Dice Tower, and the frankly brilliant podcast he does with Dan Hughes on Sporadically Board LINKS OF NOTES https://boardgamegeek.com/blogger/7996/mike-dilisio https://twitter.com/michaeldilisio http://sporadicallyboard.libsyn.com/ http://sporadicallyboard.libsyn.com https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgamepodcast/51847/sporadically-board-mike-and-dan https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/sporadically-board-with-mike-and-dan/id1435773903?mt=2 https://twitter.com/sporadicboard