Drinking At Bible Study

68: Hosea 9&10/Let's Start A Revolution!



Crazy episode. So t-shirts were supposed to go on sale today, but things happen and we're all going to have to wait. Joe sort of explains all that. Anywho, Brandi talks being a substitute Summer School teacher before the two kids delve into a long discussion about what a pastor's responsibility is to their flock, and in the Ice Breaker Joe talks about television and Brandi talks about bad movies to see on dates, and then of course the two get into Hosea chapters 9 and 10 where for some reason the two decide that revolution is the best option for our country now... So... Let's see how that works out for them. All this and very little else in this week's episode.    Sponsors 00:00 Special Message From Joe: 01:38 Fellowship 04:13 Ice Breaker 27:00 Social Media 43:15 Let's Get Falafeling 44:01 Prayer Requests 01:37:11 Bonus Track 01:39:51