Buttons & Figs

The Scariest Story You've Ever Heard - interview with author Ron Keres



To kick off the Halloween season we have an interview with Ron Keres, author of "The Scariest Story You've Ever Heard", a Reader's Choice Book Award Gold winner. The coolest thing about Ron’s story is that he tells it without any pictures…just spooooooooky onomatopoeia words!!! So… let’s set sail in our sieve to meet Ron Keres, hear an excerpt from his book, and have a little wordplay fun by making our own spooky onomatopoeia sounds….oh, and don’t worry, if you have little ones who scare easily, this story isn’t too scary! Thanks to Buttons & Figs kids Owen, Graham, Emma and Gracie for their onomatopoeia wordplay and art. visit buttonsandfigs.com to see their wordplay. The Scariest Story You've Ever Heard can be founds at: Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Scariest-Story-Youve-Ever-Heard/dp/B0B14JLKGL Target: https://www.target.com/p/the-scariest-story-you-ve-ever-heard-by-ron-keres-paperback/-/A-87109340?preselect=87109340#lnk=sametab Walmart: https://www.walmart.com/ip/The-Scariest-Story-You-ve-Ever-Hear