Fire On Your Head

What Is True Repentance?



This week, join David Edwards and Steve Bremner as we discuss the crucial role of repentance in the normal Christian life. What is it? Is there more to repenting than just feeling sorry for sin? Is there such a thing as pre-meditated repentance? Also, are you personally aware of what are the following verses surrounding the context of John 3:16--the most quote verse in the New Testament? If you're not familiar with your Bible, then you don't want to miss this episode, as this week we plow through numerous Scripture passages and give you a good edifying and challenging Bible study on the subject matter. For More Reading and Meditation:  The Recovery of Sharpened Proclamation, by Steve,  The Fire Offering and the Washing of the Inner Parts, & The Sense of God's Holiness, by Bryan Purtle,  Another Gospel, by Keith Collins,  Finding Holiness in Love, Is Introspection A Sin? by David Hepting,  Habitual Sin & Holy Ostracism, by Jerry Bolton Also don't forget to check out the article 7 Counterfeits of Re