Ktn: Sharon Lynne Wyeth

KTN: Clifford Todd - The Og Mandino Leadership Institute



Clifford grew up on a farm and learned social graces from his mom. His undergraduate work was done at Denison University prior to going to Law School at the University of Cincinnati in Ohio. Something happened by the end of that year, as he decided to stop doing what was expected of him, and instead choosing to follow his own passion. That resulted in him leaving law school at the end of the first year and instead attending Rice University in Houston, TX for the next three years. Just shy of getting his Ph.d, still needing to finish his dissertation, he was offered a job with the American Medical Association as its first medical economist. Thus he created one of the first managed care facilities that was funded by the govt which took him to Denver, Colorado. Unhappy with the govt telling him what the results of the studies had to be, he ditched that job, forgoing being able to ever obtain another government contract, and parlaid his knowledge to become a financial advisor to over 100 medical groups.