Ktn: Sharon Lynne Wyeth

KTN: Ivy Slater - Business Mentor



Ivy's mentoring spirit stems from her own life experiences and multiple successful business ventures. She began her career in the male-dominated printing industry, and used her wit, intuition, and relationship-based sales strategies, that she teaches today, to build her own seven-figure printing business, Slater Graphics. And she did it in the competitive and fast-paced city of New York, while still enjoying quality family time with her husband and two children.In 2008, she created Slater Success Coaching, and has used her established systems to attract clients worldwide and mentor them to create business plans, growth strategies, and financial success. Today Ivy speaks all over the country at conferences, seminars, workshops and corporate sales meetings. Her relationship- based sales strategies resonate with everyone from Fortune 500 decision-makers to solopreneurs. Ivy is the author of Conquering Your Fear of Money: A Woman's guide to Business Success, an interactive resource offering actionable systems,