Wdw-memories: Relive That Walt Disney World Magic

Reflections/Wonders of China



Well it’s been a long time. My work has been absorbing all of my week days, meaning the weekends go to my family, so that unfortunately has left me with little time left over for hobbies. But that’s beginning to change, and I’m hoping to get back to my every other week format of podcasting, but we’ll just have to see. Now before we get into the memory, I have a big announcement. I’M GOING TO DISNEYLAND. That’s right, not Disney World, Disneyland. In June I’ll be making a trip to California for my brothers wedding and our family vacation. Part of that, will of course be a couple of days in Disneyland, where I hope to collect some memories that I can share with you. Show notes: https://wdw-memories.net/2010/05/29/memory-038/