Matt Waldman's Rsp Cast

Matt Waldman’s RSP NFL Scouting Glossary: Stem Manipulation with WR Tyler Harrell



Matt Waldman's RSP NFL Scouting Glossary covers the route-running concept of stem manipulation with the help of a Tyler Harrell post route. Three Methods of Stem Manipulation Playground-style moves on moves that make defenders look silly are fun to watch. They even launch careers on Instagram and TikTok. But for most routes, manipulating a defender is a far more efficient process. It has to be. As creative as these slick moves stacked in succession can be, there's a limited setting for where they work. When the quarterback is at the top of his drop, he expects his receiver to be at that the right spot at the right time. Relying too much on these moves can make a receiver late to his spot. When this doesn't happen, it can wreck a play and even ruin a drive. There are three efficient ways wide receivers attack defenders with the route phase leading up to the break (the stem): Running at the defender. Diving the stem inside the defender. Widening the stem outside the defender. Good route runners are