Video Games 2 The Max

The Polarizing Horizon Zero Dawn Remake, More Cyberpunk 2077 & More Witcher - VG2M # 326



CD Projekt Dropped some HUGE news confirming they are working on a brand new IP, an entire second Witcher trilogy, two other Witcher projects being developed by other studios, and even a sequel to Cyberpunk 2077 as well called Project Orion. Sean and Marc discuss their thoughts on this bold initiative by the company to just announce it all at once and if this will lead to redemption for the studio. Sony and Microsoft's battle over the Activision-Blizzard-King deal continues with each side having its final meetings and say before the CMA goes into investigation mode. Microsoft even made an entire site dedicated to the deal. Could this actually help them get the deal passed? Or are the constant complaints from Sony going to halt it? Also, Sony drew the ire of social media with rumored plans to Remaster or possibly even Remake Horizon Zero Dawn to make it more in line with its sequel Horizon Forbidden West so that it creates more hype around the game when the Netflix series launches. Sean and Marc discuss if the