Slumberland | An Audio Drama

100 - The Bed Bug Part 3



A period of time has passed since the Coyote Club meeting. The sound recordings of Thomas Edward M are not yet available to present what happened when the residents of Slumberland bravely journeyed to the haunted beach and confronted Badamo's ghost, the Sandy Specter. Tonight, all are invited to attend the latest presentation of The Bed Bug! Slumberland's ongoing showcase of poetry, song and spoken word. A wonderful group of talented performers will entertain tonight. Ella Minnow Pierce will ensure the show runs smoothly, and special guest Tomas Anonymous will serve as master of ceremonies. Everyone hopes a surprise guest two will make an appearance! For more info please contact slumberlandpodcast at outlook dot com PERFORMERS Jessica Syratt Theater performer and creator of "Nowhere, On Air" audio drama podcast Returning to perform the role of Ella Minnow Pierce and also "Sophia's Song" Debra Harrison-Lowe Film performer Returning to perform the role of Oblivia Newton-