Easton Bible Church's Podcast

Episode 7: "Your Life Matters" Spiritual Reality Check Week 7



Do you ever wonder if your life matters? And what is it that would make your life matter? Is it the idea of "making a difference?The idea of making a difference in the world or in someone else's life might seem like an idealistic notion, but there is something within us that needs to know our life counts for something.Without that, we can quickly fall into apathy and indifference, languishing through life instead of living with the purpose that we have been created for. The reality is that your life does matter. It matters immensely. God is calling you to create a better future for yourself and then for others. That life begins with a heart that knows that you matter to God, and creates a life in you that makes a difference in the lives of others by helping people experience the life-changing relationship with Jesus that you have discovered.Would you like to know that you matter to God...and to people? Perhaps you would like to partner with us in making a difference in the world? Either way, we encourage you