School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#197 How to Not Let Your Children’s Moods Affect You (Grumpy & Otherwise)



We’ve all had the experience of being around someone who’s grumpy — even our spouse or children — and then soon we’re feeling grumpy as well. A mother of multiple children recently asked us, “When the people around me (aka my children) are grumpy, negative, or ‘down’, how do I not let that affect me?” Negative emotions and grumpiness are inevitable and a normal part of life. But when those around you are moody or grumpy, how do you keep that from bringing you ‘down’ as well? Is it possible to stay happy or positive in such cases? And if so, HOW? And is it possible to positively influence those around you so that they can better process their negative emotions and return more quickly to a positive state? With deliberate intention and focus it IS possible to become the ‘rising tide that lifts all boats’. YOU can become a great force for good in your family and develop the skill of maintaining positivity — — not fake, masked happiness, but true, appropriate positive emotion that becomes a stabilizing force in yo