Pocketnow Weekly Podcast

Fold me, 'splode me, iPhone and Galaxy | #PNWeekly 332



Once all the stuff from Techtober's dried up, we're looking to the future. Actually, all the way out past CES. How long will it take Apple to move its iPhones to 5G? What will the Galaxy S10 look like? And will we be able to take a Kickstarter project and make a Mac Mini and iPad Pro usable together? Watch the YouTube video posted at 2:00pm Eastern on November 16th or check out the high-quality audio version right here or through https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/pocketnow-weekly-podcast/id543949427?mt=2 (Apple), https://play.google.com/music/m/Igm4dcyy4snyabezpiozzqgubgy?t=Pocketnow_Weekly_Podcast (Google), our https://feed.pippa.io/public/shows/5a6229bdd1a9c2d8128140d7 (RSS) and wherever you get your podcasts. Talk back live while you’re watching the show on Twitter with #PNWeekly and shoot feedback to the hosts at podcast@pocketnow.com! Hosthttps://twitter.com/jvtechtea (Joshua Vergara) Guestshttps://twitter.com/tkdsl8655 (TK Bay) https://twitter.com/markb (Mark Burstiner) The showhttps://pocketnow