Sovereign Hope Church

The Seed of Faith Amidst the Hardship of Temporal Life



Join us today as guest speaker Chris Ellis looks into Job 23. Notes: I. The Seed of Faith and a Battle of the Mind A. The State that Job Finds Himself. B. The Shift of Mind from Day 1 II. The Seed of Faith Seeks the Source of its Strength. A. A Petition that Job Puts Forth v. 3-7 1. It Shows Determination to Find God 2. It Reveals Job’s Thinking. v. 4 3. It presumes upon God to Agree v. 5-7 B. Job’s Realization. v. 8-9 1. God sometimes makes Himself obscure. 2. It is not always understandable. III. What the Seed of Faith Sees. v. 10-14 A. He knows what I need more that I do. v. 10a B. Testing and Chastening bring Purity v. 10b C. Trusting Facts Not Feelings Contributes to Stability v. 11-12 D. God’s Immutability is Our Hope v. 13 E. God’s Sovereignty is Our Stability v. 14 IV. What the Seed of Faith Acknowledges. v. 15-17 A. God is Holy. We are not. v. 15 B. We Need to Respond in Holy Fear. v. 16 C. God’s Darkness produces humility. v. 17