Hand In Hand

Episode 6 - the Strokefocus Story and the Hand in Hand Show



Strokefocus and its podcast, Hand in Hand is today's topic. In this episode, Cam interviews Nancy, Alison and Daniel to understand how Strokefocus started. Strokefocus started as Wohaula. In 2012, Daniel suffered a brainstem stroke before turning 41. Two fellow survivors made a tremendous difference to his recovery. One was Alison Shapiro. In 2002, Alison survived 2 brainstem strokes. Through her own remarkable recovery, she discovered that survivors could significantly improve the recovery outcome by effectively engaging themselves. She developed a program to help survivors. Daniel found Alison through the Internet. Alison coached Daniel in the most critical stage of his recovery. They never met in person. Yet the support significantly changed the course of Daniel's recovery outcome. Inspired by their own experience, in 2014, Daniel, his wife Hong, Alison and some friends started Wohaula, which meant I have survived in Mandarin. It is also known now as Strokefocus. In building Wohaula, Daniel found Nanc