The Future Of Life

AIAP: Human Compatible: Artificial Intelligence and the Problem of Control with Stuart Russell



Stuart Russell is one of AI's true pioneers and has been at the forefront of the field for decades. His expertise and forward thinking have culminated in his newest work, Human Compatible: Artificial Intelligence and the Problem of Control. The book is a cornerstone piece, alongside Superintelligence and Life 3.0, that articulates the civilization-scale problem we face of aligning machine intelligence with human goals and values. Not only is this a further articulation and development of the AI alignment problem, but Stuart also proposes a novel solution which bring us to a better understanding of what it will take to create beneficial machine intelligence.  Topics discussed in this episode include: -Stuart's intentions in writing the book -The history of intellectual thought leading up to the control problem -The problem of control -Why tool AI won't work -Messages for different audiences -Stuart's proposed solution to the control problem You can find the page for this podcast here: https://futureoflife.o