
127. Shadow Self



How much of our inner selves to do we feel comfortable sharing with others? How do we open ourselves up to one another and reveal our shadow selves, or parts of ourself that feels less safe? Is it our responsibility to share those things, or does that fall on the other person to ask the right questions and get us to open up? Adam and Marisol discuss the parts of themselves that they share openly with others and what their hang-ups are around the other parts of who they truly are. Expectations of care, over-sharing, disclosure, and curating personalities for their audience, all play into how we show up, how we ask to be loved, and how we are seen by others. How much do you think someone knowing you, is dependent on them, or on you? Want more Reading Aloud Podcast? (Become a member of our Pateron)!  Check us out at ( (Subscribe, Download, and Review) Follow along on this journey through life