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Entrepreneur Decision Making - How to Make Decisions in eCommerce with Ken Burke of Entrepreneur NOW



How Does Entrepreneur Decision-Making Work in Real Life? Entrepreneur decision-making works in a variety of ways. Some entrepreneurs prefer to gather as much information as possible before making a choice, while others simply follow their gut instinct.Regardless of your decision-making style, there are some principles you should always keep in mind: Action creates momentum – If it feels like you've been stuck on the same problem for days or weeks without any progress, then it's time to take action. The more time spent thinking about how to solve a problem without actually solving it will just lead to frustration and an eventual loss of motivation. Test, measure and adjust – When trying out new ideas or testing different solutions for problems, don't be afraid to try things out quickly and see what works best (and what doesn't). Use this process as an opportunity for learning so that you can learn from your mistakes while they're still fresh in your mind instead of later down the road when they might have