Retro Hangover

Fatal Frame: My Eyes! My Eyes! (ft. Lynnsey & MaskedKeaton)



A picture is worth a thousand words. In this case, each of those words is just "AAAAAAAAAAAH". We are joined by long-time friend of the show Lynnsey and Patron extraordinaire MaskedKeaton to wrap up Spooptoberfest with the OG photographical fear factory, Fatal Frame! ---------- Today's Guest Information Name: Lynnsey Norris Bio: Long time gamer and horror theme enthusiast. Prefers walks in the forest to the beach, and listens to audio books while working a very riveting accounting job. Twitter: (@powerbeanie on Twitter) ----- Name: Masked Keaton Bio: A level 40 retro-gaming enthusiast. He specializes in writing quiz questions for Discord and the Retro-lympics. Twitter: (@Masked_Llama on Twitter) ---------- Music Attributions Intro / outro excerpts from (Stream) by 505, used under the (Attribution-NonCommerci