Horror 101 Podcast

Horror 101 - Episode 72: Oculus



Welcome to the first Horror 101 podcast of 2018. This time we focus on a newer title that most of the crew hasn't seen before. Its Mike Flanagan's Oculus from 2013 starring Rory Cochrane and Dr. Who's favorite redhead, Karen Gillan. Oculus is an excellent modern horror which relies on atmosphere and terror instead of gore and jump scares. A welcomed break from the usual horror tropes frequently utilized today. This is the story of a brother and sister putting themselves in harms way to vindicate their parents (and themselves) from a dark history perpetuated by a centuries old looking glass that seems Hell bent on destroying the lives of those in proximity to it. Will the pair prove the mirror's evil power or become the latest victims of it's malicious trickery? Show highlights:01:00 Prelude to Terror...02:55 Welcome to 2018...05:00 Oculus is a Nood and Cash favourite...07:00 Reacquiring the mirror...09:20 The shrouded illusion...15:35 History of the looking glass...21:00 Why not just smash it?24: