Roy Green Show

How should we respond to events like the recent terror attacks in London? Premier of Saskatchewan Brad Wall discusses current Canadian events. And more from Canadians affected by chronic pain



The Roy Green Show Podcast    In the wake of last night’s terror attack in London, what is and what should be the role of specialized military units in battling terrorism? Guest: Lt. Colonel Steve Day, former commanding officer of Joint Taskforce Two (JTF2), Canada's counter-terrorism special force - In the wake of terror attacks, government leaders will speak about standing strong and say our free societies will not be defeated. Months ago, London Mayor Sadiq Khan said terror attacks are “part and parcel of living in a big city”. What’s the takeaway of this quote in light of last night’s terror attack? Guest: Dr. Christian Leuprecht, professor of political science/studies at Queen's University & Royal Military College - Global News Winnipeg reporter Zahra Premji is in London. She was approximately 15 minutes away from the terror attack as it happened. Guest: Zahra Premji, Global News Winnipeg - Morgan is a 38-year-old woman whose pain levels are so massive she has considered suicide. Only opioid