Retro Hangover

Top 5 Licensed Games That Aren't Trash | The Flight



Just because a game is based on a licensed property doesn't always mean it's a lazy cash grab. We mean... A lot of the time it totally is, but there is a surprisingly high number of decent efforts out there, so join us as we count down our favorites! ---------- Music Attributions Musical excerpts from (8-Bit Fantasy & Adventure) by xDeviruchi, used under the (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License). ---------- Mentioned in this episode: Shoutout to Our Patrons! Retro Hangover is supported by you, the listeners. We would especially like to thank the following Patrons for donating at the 8-bit tier and above: Lyle McKarns, Ashton Ruby, Randall Quiggle, Tony G, Katie Quigg, Paul Romalho, Raging Demon, JC, Meagan Caruso, MaskedKeaton, Andrew Liguori, Ozzy Garcia, The Retro Vixen, BacklogAdam, Thunderdome Gaming Society, Keith Gasper, Dischimera, gcfreak898 (The Saturnian), Dave Jack