School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

The Rewards (& Risks) of Pursuing a Life of Comfort & Luxury



I remember the first time I realized that humanity’s desire for luxury was actually a driving force for improving the world. Previous to that I often felt that wanting luxury and comfort was wrong or bad… perhaps from generations of Puritanism passed down through religion and culture? But as I lay in the comfort of a luxurious hotel room feeling perfectly at home, I finally understood that this desire was a positive thing. Without (a woman’s?) desire for indoor plumbing, a comfy bed, and the ease of flipping a switch to produce light or heat, we probably wouldn’t be enjoying all of these luxuries right now as a society. It is our innate drive for comfort (aka luxury) that drives human progress. Yet with every strength there is an inherit weakness. There is a downside to pursuing comfort and luxury at the expense of all else. And it results in becoming ‘soft & squishy’ and unable to face the challenges ahead of us. Does that mean we give up our lives of comfort? Perhaps for some. But for all of us, it mean