Common Places

Protestant Social Teaching and Environmental Care - Jake Meador



Some remarks by Jake Meador on his chapter in Protestant Social Teaching, "Environmental Care," at the book launch party hosted by the Institute on Religion and Democracy in Washington D.C. Jake Meador is the editor-in-chief of Mere Orthodoxy and is a writer and editor from Lincoln NE. His work has been published in First Things, National Review, Books & Culture, Commonweal, Plough Quarterly, Christianity Today, Front Porch Republic, and the University Bookman. He holds a BA from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Jake lives in Lincoln NE with his wife Joie, daughter Davy, and three sons, Wendell, Austin, and Ambrose. His first book, IN SEARCH OF THE COMMON GOOD: CHRISTIAN FIDELITY IN A FRACTURED WORLD, was published by InterVarsity Press. Find him on Twitter @JAKE_MEADOR.