Dayspring Fellowship Podcasts

Ephesians: Becoming Who You Are | Part 4 | Becoming Rooted | Chris Voigt



Becoming Rooted Ephesians: Becoming Who You Are November 6, 2022 If you’ve been around here very long, you know that I’m a sunshine and blue skies kind of guy. Summer is my favorite time of year. I am thankful that, for the most part, our typical rainy fall weather didn’t kick in until the end of October this year. Which made for a beautiful fall. We were treated to a gorgeous display of autumn glory as the leaves turned colors, creating a tapestry of vibrant red, yellow, and orange throughout our city.   The changes we see in the trees as the seasons turn are pretty spectacular. But what is even more amazing is what is going on beneath the surface, where we can’t see!   The root systems of trees are really just beginning to be understood by scientists. An online article published in Smithsonian Magazine by journalist Richard Grant outlines new discoveries about the incredible things that take place within the “wood-wide-web” beneath the forest floor, as groves of trees “communicate” with one another; sharin