Worst. Comic. Podcast. Ever!

WCPEver Episode 437 - Where in the Worlds is DC's Continuity?



On this week's episode of the Worst. Comic. Podcast. EVER!: We're going to lead with our Pick 3 selections this week, sponsored by our friends at Clint's Comics in Kansas City. There are a lot of really interesting books coming out this week. This could have easily been a Pick 15 week for us if we wanted to. Get into your store this week and pick up some new books - and make sure you are up-to-date with your pull box.  We have an interesting discussion on the continuity over at DC Comics. Or maybe it's a lack of continuity. Does continuity matter anymore? Listen to what we have to share, but then let us know what you think about continuity.  Some favorite questions are just impossible to answer. Name your favorite kid? Not going to do it if either can hear me. Name your favorite member of the podcast? Inconceivable! Another impossible question is to name your favorite episode of Andor? Episode 9 did not disappoint, as we are just three weeks away from the finale.  We've got some random comic talk about new b