Historical Light Freemasonry Show

Ep 19 Your Lodges Legacy



  ((Sorry! This Ep was deleted on accident but has been restored))   What happened in Masonic History Today? Today in Masonic History James Naismith is born in 1861. http://www.masonrytoday.com/index.php?new_month=11&new_day=06&new_year=2016   Today we do not have an interview.  Instead we are featuring a documentary done by our friend and Brother Mitch Denning.  He filmed and directed a top notch history documentary for Portland Lodge No 326.  This is such a great way to capture your lodges legacy and preserve this history which we here at Historical Light push very heavily.  Stayed tuned as we will be having Brother Denning on a future episode for an interview to go deeper into detail on how this can be done for your lodge and get some behind the scene details on this documentary. Bro. Powers was recently at the 2017 Leadership Academy hosted by the Grand Lodge of Kansas and gives some details on this great event as well. Make sure you come back for episode 20 as we will be annoucing a new Brother