Historical Light Freemasonry Show

Ep 16 Labor Day Weekend



Please forgive the audio quality this week.  As we recorded on location at the lodge we had to use a cell phone. It is Labor Day weekend and we are all busy with family and friends so we are keeping it short today and will not be featuring an interview. Not to worry though we have several great interviews recorded and ready to go for the episodes to come. Today the family and I spent some time up at the lodge while I was doing some awesome research of our history. My daughter jumps in to present today's article from Masonry Today.com which I was really excited about. We want to make sure and recognize those in Texas enduring the struggle of the hurricane right now. The MSA is accepting donations to support their needs. Please see below for the link to MSA where you can offer your support. Now off to light the grill and spend some time relaxing with the family. See you next time!