Historical Light Freemasonry Show

Ep 14 History of Freemasonry in Massachusetts



What happened in Masonic History Today? Today in Masonic History Mark Odom Hatfield passes away in 2011. http://www.masonrytoday.com/index.php?new_month=8&new_day=07&new_year=2016   In this episode,  we sit down with Bro. Walter H. Hunt, the Grand Historian for the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts as he brings us to light on the history of Freemasonry within his state.  You are sure to love this episode as Brother Hunt is another one of those guys you could easily chat with for days.  It is clear to see his passion and devotion to the work of the craft. http://massfreemasonry.org/ http://masonicgenealogy.com/ Alex has another big speaking engagement coming soon on August 19th in Topeka, Ks.  He will be presenting at the Midwest Conference on Masonic Education.  This is a large, respected, and quality conference between 13 midwestern Masonic jurisdictions.  This event is rarely held in Kansas and is featuring a pretty epic speaker line up including Bro. Powers as a special lunchtime presenter who will be