Pastor Jason Anderson - Audio

Putting the Enemy on Notice!



In 1 Samuel 17, David had defeated a great giant, Goliath. The Bible says he struck him with a stone from a sling and the giant fell face down, dead. Then David who had a shepherd’s staff instead of a sword, took the sword of his enemy and used it to cut off the head of Goliath. The Bible then says in 1 Samuel 17:54, "And David took the head of the Philistine and brought it to Jerusalem". Whatcha doin David? 18 miles. 7 hour walk? He arrives, the city of Jerusalem was occupied by the enemy. The Jebusites owned Jerusalem. I imagine David stopped just outside the walls of his enemy, holding the head of Goliath. I imagine he was sending a loud and clear message. It was as though he had a divine moment from God, he arrives at a city that should belong to God. "You're next." He was putting them on notice. I'm coming for you! Do we have territory in our Christianity that should belong to God but doesn't? A defeated enemy holding a city th