Dayspring Fellowship Podcasts

Ephesians: Becoming Who You Are | Part 5 | Becoming United | Michelle Snook



Becoming United Ephesians: Becoming Who You Are November 13, 2022 I love a good musical. My favorite is probably Singin’ In the Rain... or Seven Brides For Seven Brothers... or... My Fair Lady (which I get to see in Portland with my daughter next Spring!) ...there are just so many good ones! Another that would land in my top ten would be The Music Man... the classic with Robert Preston and Shirley Jones. I’ve worked with enough young interns to know that I can’t take anything for granted when it comes to the musical education of the younger generations. So, for those of you who have not yet seen this classic film, allow me to enlighten you.   “Professor” Harold Hill arrives in River City, Iowa, posing as an organizer and leader of a boys' band. In reality, he’s a just a slick con man. He convinces the naïve townspeople to purchase band uniforms and instruments from him, while promising to train the young band members. But his real intentions are to skip town with their money.   As you might expect, nothing go