Liquid Church

Join The Clean Water Cause | Vision Sunday 2022



This Vision Sunday message will give you a glimpse into the mission God is calling Liquid Church to in 2023. The theme for this year comes from Micah 6:8, which challenges the people of God to do 3 vital things: “Do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God.” We believe God is calling us to fulfill the Micah 6:8 vision in 4 key areas of practical need. #1) Feeding our homeless and hungry neighbors both here in NJ and around the globe. Justice begins on a basic level, and that means filling empty stomachs of hungry people. #2) Investing in the growth and discipleship of men, women, married couples, and millennials. #3) Investing in Digital Discipleship. Did you know that every week we have over 2,000+ people watch messages, livestream worship, do devotions, and participate in Small Groups at Liquid online? We want to care for them well! #4) And the cornerstone of Vision Sunday is providing clean water for the poor and thirsty. This is where our vision becomes GLOBAL. We want to reach around the globe to hel